I've seen post after post on blogs and articles where parents of children with disabilities wanting people to understand them. Just because they have a child with special needs doesn't mean that they want a life where they don't have the constant worry about their child(ren). This life, of raising a child with special needs does require dedication and a tough skin. There is also a facade that shows extreme strength. Underneath it all, we need someone to listen to us, to be there and just to understand.
Her wheels...my shoes...you can't understand what we have to go through unless you've done it. I can guarantee you that most families raising children with special needs don't want others to sympathize or feel sorry for them. We truly want understanding, and a little compassion!

When we're a little behind for an appointment, school or other things, know that it is not intentional! Think about our situation. It is not one of those that I can say to Kerstin, go get your shoes, your clothes, or get dressed, eat your food, brush your teach...take your meds. I have to do all of that for her! Then, I have to do them for myself. Let's also add in the factor of a sometimes spastic child. Dressing is little more difficult.
When the journey is understood, it means more than you even realize. Take a stroll in her tracks and a walk in my shoes! Tell us about your journey...
More to come...