Friday, August 6, 2010

It's the weekend...

Which can only mean one thing....'back-to-school' Monday! Summer is over! No more of me and the princess lounging until midday sometimes, not more morning therapy appointments, no more laaaatte night tv watching, except for me watching some of "Big Brother After Dark".

Sweet pea's room has been cleaned and organized, closet is cleared of clothes that she has outgrown, they are packed and ready to be passed down to her little cousin or donated to Goodwill. I also managed to get our computer room/office cleaned and mostly de-cluttered...with the exception of the closet/ storage in there.

We are ready for Fall...the leaves changing colors and the COOL weather. I'm ready to treat my sweet pea to a weekend getaway in the cool weather too! We are also ready to see out soldier! Praying for his safety and recovery daily!

School updates are a definite!!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooo with you! Fall can't come soon enough for me!!
