I guess you're wondering why I said "visible". Her neurologist had discussed that because of her diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, seizures could take any form. The majority of her seizures have be febrile, she does have clusters, and absence, she has had her share of tonic-clonic. This night, Kerstin's seizure came on strong and furious...it was a grand mal or tonic-clonic seizure!
- A grand mal (or tonic-clonic) seizure is when abnormal electrical activity occurs over both sides of the brain. These seizures can cause whole-body movements and loss of consciousness. After a seizure, kids and teens may be confused, tired, or have a headache. These are managed with medications and, sometimes, a special diet or a device that stimulates a specific nerve. ~KidsHealth.org
Seeing her laying there, it seemed like she was looking through me, like she was there but not totally. Nothing I could do would stop it and at the time she was not on Diastat. If you know me, you know what I did...called my sister! After the seizure didn't stop after a few minutes, we took her to the ER. She ended up being hospitalized for a few days.
This lead us on yet another journey...more MRI's, and EEG's.
Kerstin would be placed on seizure medicines, and under frequent visits with her neurologist.
I think it was the Fall of 2004 when her doctor wanted to do an in office sleep study on Kerstin to check her activity while she slept. One attempt did NOT work because my daughter is such a sly little girl, she would not fall asleep, even after she was given the "sleep aid"...as soon as we pulled away from the office she was asleep.
So the next attempt was successful. I got to sit in a huge rocker recliner and hold her while the test was administered. We had fair warning that the appointment would last about 3 hours. It really did. Kerstin also had a seizure during the test, while I was holding her and I didn't even know it!!!
At times it seems like she is doing really well, then they seem to come almost back to back. There is always a time I can almost guarantee that she will have at least one seizure and it is around this time of year. It is so eerie, but since 2004 she has had at least one seizure on or near April 15!
Case and point, she had one on April 14, 2014 at 3a.m. I made a Facebook post to talk about the eeriness of the April seizures.
We will be traveling those two hours one way on Monday to her neurology appointment...another update coming soon.
More to come...

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