Monday, February 28, 2011

Great news day!

In previous post I was talking about my mom starting dialysis would have been the day she had her Peritoneal dialysis catheter placement. A mouthful! We had her at the hospital bright and early for the procedure, but after she was in the back and had more labs/blood-work, etc... done, her doctors were able to determine that her kidney functions had stabilized and were doing good.  NO need for the procedure now!  God is AWESOME, no one can tell this family otherwise!  Prayer works!!!

My mom was trying not to worry and stay in good spirits about everything and we were determined to help her, even though I personally was a little worried, but never deterred from PRAYING for my mom's strength!  We will continue to be a praying family, God is too good for us not to praise Him for his boundless graces!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. So glad for the good news!!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!
