I can't tell Kerstin to get up and get dressed, I have to do that for her. I can't tell Kerstin to clean her room, she doesn't mess it up, even when her cousins visit, they clean it or I'll do it. I can't tell Kerstin to go to her room, unless taken, she's not able to voluntarily. I can't tell Kerstin to be quiet, her coos, aahs, babbles and laughter is music to my ears! I could go on and on listing the negative I can't's...there is no point in that. After 10 years on this journey, my life has changed for the better. My eyes, heart and mind are opened to new and challenging things. I've been forced to learn about things I had once never given a thought. For that, I am THANKFUL to God!!!
There are some things that I know I definitely can't have...I can't let life go by for Kerstin and myself! I can't let or allow my daughter to be sheltered from LIFE. I can't let Kerstin's disability stop her from being a child. I can't let society and certain "professionals' tell me what's best and right for my child. I can't let negativity and ignorance keep me from enjoying my daughter and her enjoying LIFE. I can't let anything or anyone stop her from making strides and progress! I can't let a diagnosis determine her boundaries...the possibilities are endless...life is to be lived and enjoyed!!!