One small ripple...ripples in a pond. We have heard the expression that we are all connected in some way; our connections are intertwined in ways we may not even be aware. Also, the ripple effect is often considered when we think of how one action can flow out to other areas and people around us. Those actions can be negative or positive. Well, I like to think of my daughter, Miss Kerstin as a ripple. She is a ripple in a pond of so much love!
One Small Ripple |
While watching one of her favorite PBS Kids shows, "Splash and Bubbles" with her, I heard the sweetest little song about making a difference. "One Small Ripple", the lyrics of the song:
"I'm gonna make one small ripple.
Yeah, I believe a little thing like that
can turn into a big ol' wave.
I'm gonna make one small ripple.
Can you imagine what a difference
a lot of little ripples could make?
The tiny things we do today,
make a world of difference half a world away.
So, if I had the chance I should make my ripple
something good.
You'll be amazed, I know it's true.
I hope you get inspired too.
With one small ripple coming from me and you.
And see what my small ripple can do."
The song made me further think about how I have been told numerous times how Kerstin has touched so many with her smile, her will, her strength. You see, this child of mine has been through so much but she still manages to smile and inspire others, not just locally but across the state country and around the world! She is my light, my life and I truly hope that her ripple is making a difference. It has for me, and I don't mind sharing this journey of "Growing With Kerstin" with you all!
More to come...