So, I'm sitting with Kerstin, giving her a bolus and like always, I casually talk with her about what's on TV or the day we've had. I notice that her little hands are growing, as is the rest of my little lady. So, I take her hand and kiss it, telling that it's so soft and that is why my little one year old niece always kisses her hand. I continued holding it as were bonding and I'm feeding her. Suddenly there is a strong grip on my hand!! I looked at Kerstin and she's looking directly into my eyes with a big smile on her face. I said to her, "You're squeezing my hand!" Without any hesitation, she squeezes it again! Four times in a row and at my command of "Can you squeeze my hand again?" She did so!!
My sweet girl is strong and a very determined little girl. No matter how tired I may become, which happens every single day, no matter how often I feel like I want to give it all it...those times have hit me. I know that if all that Kerstin has been through in her 13 years of life, I can and should be able to continue on! And continue on is what I will do!
She squeezed her momma's hand...

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