I will tell anyone, Kerstin has so many moms and grandmas out there. I often think about "Lily Owens" from "The Secret Life of Bees". By the end of the book and movie, Lily has found so much support from her former housekeeper now friend and the Boatwright sisters, that she feels she is the luckiest girl in the world to have so many "moms". Kerstin has her beat!! It means so much to have so many caring women in our lives. Yesterday, I even posted on Facebook, how it means so much to receive invaluable support, advice and prayers. Post here. That means so much more when it comes from women, especially older women that truly understand what we younger women and moms are dealing with.
Kerstin has motherly/grand-motherly figures seems like wherever we go! She has an aunt, Regina, that will tell anyone that, "Mattisa gave birth to Kerstin but, I'm her mom!" She has been supportive in ways that could take a blog post or two to explain. Kerstin loves her T-Gina! I have another sister, Joan, she's Kerstin's and my go to for anything medical especially after hours. We love her for that, even though Kerstin seems to be annoyed by her sometimes. I know there's divine intervention when you least expect it. My sisters were lead into areas of higher learning because of their interest but also because it would be needed in our family. I am eternally grateful for them and their knowledge. When I don't know what to say or do in some situations, they step right in and on time!
When Kerstin has gone to school over the years, there are so many motherly figures. Not all the women we've encountered have been kind but, this is NOT about them. We have had some tell me on cold days, "Make sure you have Kerstin wrapped up." Or, "Make sure Kerstin has on her hat and gloves..." I've even been called some days with her at school moms telling me "Don't bring Kerstin to school, there seems to be a virus going around."
Taking her to therapy, her therapist know that she's going to have her nails polished and when she doesn't, I get "Why aren't her nails done?" Leaving me to explain that I've usually taken the polish off late the night before and just hadn't re-polished yet.
Cannot forget about her "grandmas" and "aunts", that are not even related...my moms friends, always asking how their baby is doing. They always send encouraging words via my mom to me, "Tell Mattisa to hang in there and be strong." Kerstin has love from every corner of this country it seems, from California, to Texas, to Michigan, to Virginia and beyond. THANK YOU, from our corner in Alabama!
All of your support does not go unnoticed! It means more than I can began to explain!
So, to all you supportive women in our lives:
"I don't tell you often enough how much we appreciate the time and the care and the love you give us. But today we want you to know how special you are and that we will always remember everything you've done for US!"
We appreciate YOU!! |