Raising a child with special health
care needs comes with many challenges.
There are some really high highs and also some really low lows. As parents we love our children and we see
them go through so many changes as they grow and deal with the things that come
with their varying diagnoses. We want
our children to enjoy life, be involved in their communities. We want them to be able to do things with and
like their peers. You know, things like,
going to the movies, shopping, out to eat, etc…
We don’t want them to be seen as wrong or sick!
I cannot count the times we have been
having a good day, on outings, Target included and a child sees Kerstin in her
wheelchair and they stare and will ask their parent(s), “What’s wrong with her?”
“Why is she in that chair?” Too many
times I hear the parent whisper, “She’s sick.” NO! And that is exactly what I have started to
say without explanation. When I overhear
that answer, I just politely say “No.”
When a parent tells their child that there’s nothing wrong, and to
speak, we usually spark a conversation.
They are receptive and seem to want their child to be as well. It warms my heart, and I am sure the hearts of
other parents of children with special needs as well, when parents of children
without those needs are open and want to make sure their child speaks and
understands diversity.
Having a disability or special health
care needs does not equate to sickness. Cerebral
Palsy is not a sickness, it is not contagious.
Epilepsy is not contagious. Yes,
our children get sick, so does everyone.
When a child/adult has a disability, it usually takes them longer to
overcome general illnesses. Using a
wheelchair, wearing glasses, AFOs, neck supports and other assistance in NO WAY
means the person is sick. When Kerstin
is sick, she definitely will not be in a restaurant, a movie theater or her
beloved Target. That is something we
just do not do. The only time she is
outside of our home while sick is to go to the doctor or unfortunately when she
is hospitalized.
So, when you see a family out enjoying
their day just as you are and your child asks, “What’s wrong with her (him)?” “Why is s(he) in that wheelchair?” Be sure to
tell them, that nothing is wrong, she needs the chair to get around and go
places, say “hi”!