Reminder(s) is defined as "a person or thing that serves to remind", according to Then what is remind? The same site tells us that remind is to "cause a person to remember". Life does not give us options on how we will be reminded of something, nor do we know when it will happen or whether the reminder is subtle and nice or just harsh! Well, on Wednesday morning we got a not so subtle reminder that Epilepsy/seizure disorder is still a very prevalent part of Kerstin's journey!
The thing about seizures is that they have no time frame, they can suck the joy out of any moment. They can happen in the middle of the day, during a ride from a doctor's appointment, in the middle of the night or even early in the morning, marking the end of a good night's rest. Which is what happened yesterday. Kerstin was suddenly awake at 5:40 a.m. and thrust into seizure activity. With two episodes of cluster seizure, I am so thankful that she did not require medicinal intervention to stop the seizures.
So, what are these cluster seizures/seizure clusters? Clusters are when seizures start and stop. The Epilepsy Foundation states that, "Seizure clusters are also known as repetitive or serial seizures, with return to baseline between events". How can one truly prepare for that? There really is no comparison for a parent or caregiver tending to a child with special health care needs that cannot tell you that they may be sensing that one is coming (an aura) nor can you truly know what it is like when you have not had a seizure yourself. As recommended, it is good to make notes of the seizure activity: how long it lasts, how many clusters, how long it took to return to usual activity, etc...
To those clusters, in the dark coldness on January 3, 2018; thanks for the harsh reminder. I am reminded to always know what to look for and to continue learning and growing on this journey of Growing With Kerstin.
More to come...
Epilepsy Foundation: Seizure Clusters