As soon as they start...her eyes were closed, very tightly too! The entire time we were talking to her, asking if she would open her eyes, telling her that she was missing the fireworks. All to no avail, she didn't open them until she was back inside. This interesting night seems to have not ended! Kerstin has barely slept over 8 hours in the past 48 plus hours!
This called for another call to her neurologist. His nurse had two questions for me: Has she been sick? No. Was it that time of the month? No. Has she been around fireworks? YES! My family and I had come to the conclusion that the flashing lights and the sounds had triggered something in her, since she never opened her eyes. The nurse said that they have had a number of children that have been disturbed by fireworks.
Speaking of that "time; we are already in a "monitoring" phase because the past two months we've had obvious hormonal changes. The neurologist wants us to keep an eye for activity and possible catamenial epilepsy/seizures. Oh the joys of growing and changing!
I really hate that they had a negative affect on her this time. Like I said before she has always, always loved fireworks and they have never worked on her nerves. Melatonin is the only thing the neurologist recommends for a sleep aid for his patients. She was put on melatonin years ago and started to sleep better with the occasional events of lack of sleep.
Now, we've gone with her waking up at 2;30 a.m. on Monday morning and staying awake the entire day, until 6:30 p.m. Only to wake again at 9:30 p.m. and stay awake until 1 a.m. and back up at 4:45 this morning. She did take a nap, if we can call it that, around 5:30 this afternoon. Guess what time she was awake again? 6:15 p.m.!! As I type, it is 10:35 p.m. and she is wide awake. I can't deny it, we've gotta go ahead and restart our friend, Melatonin!
More to come,